Friday, August 24, 2007

I had ...

I had to run the mile today.. I made it in 12 minutes and 36 seconds, whoo hoo! My face was like blood red when I was finished, I swear atleast 12 people asked me what was wrong XD.. Sheila has to have a counselor now, god I feel bad for her. Her aunt just died (because of cancer) and now her sister has it (she can get it taken out though) and her other sister, Ashley (she cant). So, she was all teary and such today (Her sisters in the hospital) so she went to Mrs. Rockstraw, whom told her she has to have a counselor for now on or some shit.. I'm so damn tired from running that mile, I didnt go to Jessica's... Now I'm bored..Yesterday was our chorus concert, sucked major ass.. Not only did we have to wear our corny little outfits, the fucking advanced and ensembles go all the good songs to sing by themselves, we fucking got "Give it away" and "Winter Fantasy".. Then when we started mass chorus, the beginning song was "Carol of the bells".. Oh my fucking god -_- All of the advanced and ensembles started at a whole different note, so everyone was singing at a different time, then when we had to sing "Rudolph" all the advanced and ensembles were doing hand motions, hand motions we weren't fucking taught. We looked like the biggest idiots just standing there, singing, while everybody else was.. yeah.. I'll stop my ramblings.. here.Then we went out to eat with my mom, grandma, cousin, and aunt Dede.. We ended up going to the same restaurant, as Jessica.. It was so funny, I got out of the car.. And I was all "hey loooook! JEssicas here" ::while waving my hand as hard as possible to her:: Everyone was staring at me like I was some sort of...fool. Can't blame em'.My Languge Arts teacher quit, so now we have this lady (Ms. White) substituting for untill exams are over. Tomorrows patio caroling, hopefully everything will go a bit better then last night.


dooooodlings7190 said...

You sang?

ohmorningglory said...

No, Megan.. I didn't sing, I was attending a Chorus concert, but I didn't sing.OFCOURSE I SANG! XDD